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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2018

S9 Navigation Bar

Hình ảnh
S9 Navigation Bar I. Introduce Dear user,  I spent most of my time completing this new application. I hope this is a perfect improvement over the previous version. In this new version, I'm still developing new features, but what's better than the previous version? I will answer that question right below: + More lightweight application + And it will support for android 4.1+ (Jelly bean up). That is, users with lower versions can use it + Does not contain ads + Smoother transitions + Improved performance + The features are improved and more accurate + Provide more gestures with each button + Add more features with each gesture Here are the gestures with a navigation button + click + press and hold (long press) + swipe up + swipe down + swipe left + swipe right + and two bonus button in the left and right side of navigation bar And so more feature to use with each gesture:  I hope you will support this new version so that I can improve the appli...